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October 8 2007, 10:41 AM

So I am new here, I've always been a fan of CreateBlog.. I just never got around to actually joining. Ever since I've had a computer, I've always been interested in graphics design. From MS Paint, to Macromedia Fireworks, and finally Photoshop from 10 to Cs3, I've had them all, and enjoy each own's interface. I find it interesting that people can create such emotion with a simple touch of the mouse. Youtube is my home but I hope to make CB a close 2nd.

If anyone out there reads this, then don't be shy to add me to your friends. I enjoy making new friends and talking with everyone. Plus to create a little network of graphic artists would be great.

That's all for now.





Displaying 1 - 1 of 1 comments

u know wut, u seem seriously cool:]

Posted by tamponsaraus on Oct 8, 07 3:37 pm

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  • Male
  • 21 years old


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