
Comment history with Insurmountable


Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 comments

can you say Office? :D

Posted by Djlunatix on Oct 22, 07 2:55 am

I know! I loved that episode, and I love how at the end Michael was like you can share my sucker. and as she takes a lick, he's like "I don't want it back" LOL that was great. I can't wait till thursday, and fine don't wear the shirt... wear this one. product/559/Adultery

cheers !

Posted by Djlunatix on Oct 17, 07 4:48 pm

haha he gave up at the end, I loved that episode Jim and Pam finally came out and told everyone they were together :D it was so cute.

that shirt is cute as well, I wish it had something else on it or I would actually buy it but considering it doesn't sorry D:

Posted by Insurmountable on Oct 17, 07 2:28 pm

Office? Sure thing :) here is the link to a T-shirt you must buy, We'll take our pictures and photoshop them together. Buy it now. theoffice.html

Posted by Djlunatix on Oct 17, 07 1:20 pm

The Office

Posted by Insurmountable on Oct 17, 07 1:17 pm

I added more "Launch Party" avatars, it was wayyyy to good of an episode, to just have 3 Phyllis icons, haha. I am so excited its been hour long episodes!

Posted by Djlunatix on Oct 13, 07 5:36 am
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